Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I'm falling in love
With a girl I don't know
Haven't seen her
Haven't heard her
But I know she's there
She's just out of reach
A whispered verse
For a shadow...

Light lines brightly
The dim night finding her out
Time tries
But I can't help thinking about
The girl in her shadow


Jeff Beesler said...

Ooh. Got the impression of a guy falling head over heels in love with a ghost whose touch forever escapes him. Nicely done.

CookingChinchillas said...

You were tagged :D

yogurt said...

you moved me my dear... :)

TS Hendrik said...

Jeffrey, Yogurt, thank you kindly.

Unknown said...

There is a poem with a similar sentiment written by Rilke. The first few lines go: "You who never arrived in my arms, beloved, who were lost from the start, I don't even know what songs would please you."

Please google it if you can. I'm sure you will relate. :)

TS Hendrik said...

Manech, very cool poem. Thanks for passing it along.

Lucy Westenra said...

Your poem is quite moving. I'll google the Rilke as Manech suggests.

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Great poem! I enjoyed the quiet sentiment of it. I love writing poems, but they're very erratic since I don't focus on verse.

~Elizabeth :)

Pat Tillett said...

I don't know how I missed this one!

You're so right, she is out there looking for you as well. You never know when your paths might cross, just know that they will.

Really nice Tim!

Volataire said...

What a moving song. I imagine a man who will never be able to love a girl, because she's a ghost...

I wish to see more music from you. You write beautifully.

Rek Sesh said...

keep searching and if you have found her, woo her with these words....I really liked "That one"...read most of them last year, but u stopped after sept...sorry I missed out on earlier stuff...keep writing more often....